When the name Richard Gaskell is mentioned in educational circles it is commonly followed by acknowledgements of a great researcher of the International School market, his personable approach and his immense network of people all over the world. I have been privileged to recently work alongside Richard as a colleague and involvement with IES. It is through witnessing first hand the depth of Richards knowledge and influence of IES development that he has risen to another level again. Richard’s has an innate ability to connect people and drive the agenda in a mutually respectful and professional manner. He reaches his targets through sustained and purposeful actions that synergize the project group. I have found not only is Richard a high performance IES CEO/Director he is well balanced and willingly shares the love and care he has of his family into the IES group and their working relationship.
You see a high performance achiever, hard task setter blended with a caring and thoughtful family man. These traits carry through to the work and service you receive through IES.