The Primary Curriculum at Norwich
Making children become confident, responsible, progressive and successful learners

Overview 概述
Our curriculum at Norwich is based on the National Curriculum for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, adapted to our international setting and Values. The aims of the National Curriculum for England, Wales and Northern Ireland are to enable all young people to become:
- successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
- confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
- responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society

We enhance this curriculum with a provision for Mindfulness and with a deliberate focus on Mandarin.
In Year 1 to 6 pupils have a Homeroom teacher that teaches them the following subjects:
- English 英语
- Mathematics 数学
- Science 科学
- Connected Learning 互联学习
- Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) 个人、社会和情感发展
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT) 信息和通信技术
Pupils in Year 1 to 6 also have specialist subject teachers for the following subjects:
- Music 音乐
- Physical Education (PE) 体育
- Thai 泰语
- Mandarin 中文(普通话)
- Mindfulness 正念
- Swimming 游泳

Within the Primary years, we use a thematic approach to teaching and learning that links all areas of the curriculum together and allows the students to begin to explore and inquire about the theme and the interests they have within the theme.
Assessment 评估
Assessment can take many forms in Year 1 to 6, formal and informal, written and oral, individual and group. A full range of assessments has been developed across all subjects and formal written tests are taken at the end of each term across the core subjects. The students also undertake standardised Oxford National Curriculum Tests for Mathematics, Reading and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar in Term 3 of each year. These assessments allow us to compare our wonderful results with those of other schools around the World and within the United Kingdom to ensure our students are achieving high standards.

Pastoral Care 教牧关怀
The Homeroom teacher should be the first point of contact for parents about getting information or asking questions. The Homeroom teacher will inform parents each week via Seesaw of what learning has taken place that week. Seesaw is a useful tool to help us communicate with parents, share all of the wonderful activities taking place at school and give the students a platform to socialise with their friends online, in a safe environment.

Mathematics 数学
Within our Mathematics lessons, the teachers follow the White Rose schemes of learning as well as a variety of other resources to supplement the lessons. Students are taught using a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to allow for a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. To further secure the learning students also develop their problem solving and reasoning skills within each unit.

English 英语
Continuing on from the International Phonics scheme used in Early Years, our Year 1 and 2 students continue to work through the programme alongside a spelling pathway and regular Guided Reading sessions to ensure that they are confident, fluent readers. Within our core English lessons, we use the Talk for Writing approach which allows students the opportunity to embed quality written texts before adapting and finally creating their own versions, ensuring they are meeting the age appropriate expectations.
我们一年级和二年级的学生沿用早期教育阶段的国际自然拼读课程,结合拼写方式和定期的引导阅读课程,保证他们成为自信、流利的读者。在我们的核心英语课程中,我们使用“Talk for Writing“的英语教学方法,先提供高于学生水平的教学文本,让学生有机会改编并最终创作出适合他们年龄的版本。

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