International Awards for Brighton Pupils
Brighton College Bangkok are pleased to announce that three of our pupils have been awarded the prestigious COBIS Student Achievement Award for 2022.
COBIS (The Council of British International Schools) connects more than 240 schools worldwide, and their annual awards celebrate pupils’ outstanding achievements.
曼谷布莱顿国际学校很高兴的跟你宣布消息,我们的3位学生已经获得了2022年COBIS学生成就奖的殊荣。 英国国际学校理事会(COBIS)在全球拥有超过240个组织成员,那些具有杰出成就的学生们将获得机构颁发的年度奖章。
Katie in Year 6 demonstrated excellent academic achievement by performing outstandingly in Mathematics and English. Recently, Katie also demonstrated outstanding commitment to the school community by supporting younger pupils in the FOBISIA Maths Challenge, helping them tackle some difficult questions and showing leadership as a true role model.

Kaptan from Year 10 has demonstrated excellent effort and participation in his academic work this year. However, it is his efforts outside the classroom that have been truly outstanding. Kaptan was elected for the role of House Captain, giving an eloquent and engaging speech to inspire his peers. A keen sportsperson, Kaptan is part of our swimming and golf teams, and he is always prepared to go the extra mile, particularly evident during our BCB Sports Explorers event, where he cycled a distance of 530km in 5 days.

Since joining our school as a new pupil in Year 12, Parmida has enthusiastically launched the BCB Mangrove Teens project, which aims to facilitate the reforestation of the depleted mangrove trees in Thailand. She has assiduously enlisted her peers and led them in a wide range of fundraising projects that benefit the overall charity, as well as getting stuck in with the actual replanting of the trees.
帕米达是学校十二年级的一名新生,自加入布莱顿以来,她积极地发起了BCB红树林青少年计划,旨在促进泰国红树林的重新造林行动。 帕米达孜孜不倦地招募了她的同学,带领他们参加了一系列有利于整个慈善事业的筹款项目,同时也投身于实际的植树工作。

Senior School pupils from Brighton were also recognised in the Pearson Excellence Awards 2021. Pearson is the UK’s largest qualification awarding organisation for IGCSE and A-Level examinations, and these awards recognise learners from 64 Pearson-approved schools in the APAC region.

From a total of 42,000 candidates, close to 1,000 learners met the following criteria in their 2021 examination results:
- International A-Level – a minimum of 3 subjects awarded at Grade A and above
- International GCSE – a minimum of 5 subjects awarded at Grade 7 and/or A and above
- A-Level ——至少3门科目达到 A 及以上
- IGCSE ——至少5门科目达到7分和/或 A 及以上
At Brighton, 11 of our pupils were eligible to receive a Pearson Excellence Award in 2021 – a fact that we can be very proud of.
在布莱顿,我们的 11 名学生有资格在 2021 年获得英国培生卓越奖,这个结果是我们引以为自豪的。
These pupils contributed to our outstanding A-Level results in 2021, as 97% of grades were awarded A* or A – the best A-Level results in Thailand.
这些学生为我们在2021年取得优异的 A-Level 成绩做出了贡献,97%的学生获得了A*或A,这是泰国最好的A-Level成绩。
Our IGCSE results for 2020/21 were also excellent – with 86% A*-B grades.
我们在 2020/21 学年的 IGCSE 成绩也非常出色,86%的学生成绩在A*到B之间。
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